Selina Leone

Thank you Selina for taking the time to answer all of our questions. We are grateful for everything you have shared with us. At Oxford Script Awards we are wishing you a huge success with your next projects. Keep up the amazing work!

Hello Selina, can you tell us about your background and how you got started in screenwriting?

I am a filmmaker with many participations and awards from all over the world, the most significant of which are:

Berlinale – February, 26th, 2022, with the short film “The Circle of Life” (Bulgaria, Argentina – in collaboration with the director David Valverde);

Social Film Festival – in which my short film “Certamente” won the award for youth cinema by TV RAI. The honorary jury of the festival included Claudia Cardinale;

Hollywood Gold Awards – with award for best short film for “Certamente”;

Royal Society for Television and Motion Pictures – award for “Certamente” as “Best experimental film”;

London International Monthly Film Festival – Honourable Mention Award for “The Circle of Life”;

Redwood Shorts and Scripts Film Festival – my script “Aroya” is awarded by Robert Barrymore;

Europa Film Festival – “Fish-Imitator” (fantasy, sci-fi, ecology), first narrative feature film, is awarded for “Best Story”;

I have skills also in:

  • Film Directing,
  • Film Editing and Special Effects,
  • Script Writing,
  • Acting,
  • Conceptual Artist,
  • Painting,
  • Modelling.

My First steps in the scriptwriting began in NU BOYANA FILM STUDIO –Sofia in the master class of Mr Golan Ramraz – “Hulk: Mr and Mrs Smith” – it was a great experience.

What's your writing process like? How do you go about creating characters and developing a story?

It’s so difficult to respond only in few worlds, what’s really inspiring me are many beautiful memories and the dream for something special.

In the same time the real life is a source of interesting personages, too.

Can you talk about a recent project you've worked on and the challenges you faced while writing it?

I work on “Black and White Sea Stories” – it is an adventure/history and in the same time – love story. – Based on real facts about the Pelasgian civilization – a very old and inspiring Pre-Greek culture.

What do you think is the most important element of a great screenplay?

The colourful personages, who make the story alive.

How do you feel about the current state of the film industry and the role of screenwriters in it?

I have some experience with different kinds of skills. What I think is that the script is like the skeleton.

It’s not the onliest important thing for a great movie, but if we have not the great idea I think we can’t do a good film. It’s the base. I think that the industry needs good scripts and of course these skills will be valuated well.

How do you approach writing for different genres and audiences?

It’s normal first of all to know something more about the target group. The industry doesn’t like losing a lot of money to make experiments. In the same time people are tired to watch the same and the same. Most of the film festivals have a category ‘Experimental Films’ and that’s good. Because – investing a very small budget, the producers can see what the public really likes.

How do you handle feedback and criticism?

Well, as most of people of art I am a little bit scared, because sometimes it’s not easy to change some of your creations. Just because you feel this creation is too alive. In the same time the criticism is helpful, I know it and appreciate it.

Can you talk about any upcoming projects or collaborations you're excited about?

Now I am focused mostly on ‘The Black and White Sea Stories’ project. During the recent months I collaborated with my colleague David Valverde on ‘Converastions with Angels’, and I am so happy to learn that this project is approved for ‘The Marche du Film de Cannes’ – 13-21 May, 2025.

How do you see the role of screenwriting evolving in the future?

I truly believe that this role is big. Together with the AI the filmmaking will be cheaper and faster than ever before. The AI can generate images and videos, and animation faster than any visual effects 3D programs animator or other specialist. What AI lacks is a heart, a spirit, real emotions and feelings. Probably thanks to this technology many people will find a way to make their stories alive.

What advice would you give to aspiring screenwriters?

Never try to write for something what is not inspiring for you. First you need to enter into the world of your own fantasy; if you can’t do this you will never make your story interesting for the other people.