Partha Majumdar

Thank you Partha for taking the time to answer all of our questions. We are grateful for everything you have shared with us. At Oxford Script Awards we are wishing you a huge success with your next projects. Keep up the amazing work!

Hello Partha, can you tell us about your background and how you got started in screenwriting?

I have been writing Computer programs for the past 35 years. After working for NIIT, Amdocs, Siemens, Mobily, JP Morgan, etc., and travelling to 32 countries, I decided to pursue my Doctorate last year. To date, I have written 29 technical books. Then, I decided to write fiction. So, I wrote “Rise and Fall.” When the book was ready, I liked it. So, I wrote “Transformation.”

What's your writing process like? How do you go about creating characters and developing a story?
Writing fiction is also like writing a computer program for me. I first create the outline of the story. My stories are based on popular beliefs, reminding us of virtues we must inculcate. I check whether each piece forms a logical order. Then, I assign roles to my characters to convey a message.
For example, “Rise and Fall” is based on the popular Indian festival of Durga Puja. Durga Puja is celebrated to mark the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahisasura. Mahisasura had a humble beginning before he got a boon of invincibility. Then, he starts tormenting everyone. Ultimately, the Gods had to create Goddess Durga to vanquish Mahasasura.
In “Rise and Fall,” the protagonist, Mahesh Roy, starts from a humble beginning. Through sheer hard work, he rises in society. Then, he loses self-control and ends up on the wrong side. To bring balance, I created the second protagonist, Durga. I made the character of Durga’s boyfriend to get Mahesh and Durga face-to-face.
Can you talk about a recent project you've worked on and the challenges you faced while writing it?
The second fiction I wrote after “Rise and Fall” is “Transformation.” “Transformation” emphasises the importance of self-control and the eternal message of “doing your best and leaving the results to the Almighty.” I created a protagonist whose life is in disarray. Then, fate brings him in contact with a mentor who shows him the path to self-satisfaction.
I do not face any challenges while writing fiction. I decide on the message to convey before I start the book and do not deviate from it while writing it.
If there is any challenge in my life, it is managing my time. I am involved in my academic pursuits. I also do what is necessary to ensure a cash flow for the upkeep of my family. And the remaining time, I devote to writing books.
What do you think is the most important element of a great screenplay?

A great screenplay should convey a strong message which should be practicable by the masses.

How do you feel about the current state of the film industry and the role of screenwriters in it?
I have seen many great movies in the past. I always appreciated how convincingly they convey deep messages about creating a better society. This power of cinema has always captivated my imagination to be able to contribute likewise. So, a great screenplay should have a powerful storyline, contemporary to our times, which should convey a strong message to the audience which is achievable in their daily lives.
It has been about 15 years since I saw a movie. This is because I prioritised education and did not want any distractions. However, modern cinema depicts much violence. It may be a natural theme, as our world has so much violence. Screenwriters have a role in bringing sanctity to society by conveying the message of the virtues of peace.
How do you approach writing for different genres and audiences?

Central to my ambitions in screenplay writing is conveying a strong message to society. I chose to write in thriller in “Rise and Fall.” This book should be attractive to all audiences. “Transformation” is more targeted to the young generation. I want to experiment with comedy. I believe conveying a message through a comedy will have a higher impact.

How do you handle feedback and criticism?

I yearn for feedback and criticism. This opens my mind to new possibilities that I can explore in the future.

Can you talk about any upcoming projects or collaborations you're excited about?

I am creating a comedy plot about a protagonist who thinks of doing good but ends up messing things up.

How do you see the role of screenwriting evolving in the future?

Cinema is a powerful medium for bringing about change in society. This means cinema makers carry a huge responsibility on their shoulders. So that meaningful cinema can be created, screenwriters must ensure they convey the messages which lead to a better world.

What advice would you give to aspiring screenwriters?

Everyone has lots of stories to tell. It takes a little effort to pen them down. When we have more stories, we will have so much more to learn from each other.