Adam Jay Crawford

Thank you Adam for taking the time to answer all of our questions. We are grateful for everything you have shared with us. At Oxford Script Awards we are wishing you a huge success with your next projects. Keep up the amazing work!

Hello Adam, can you tell us about your background and how you got started in screenwriting?

It all started when I was 11 years old – I fell in love with the idea of using characters and stories in my head to interpret reality. That turned into publishing a Novel in 2017, and then writing, producing, directing, and acting in a Short Film in 2018 that won me my first ever trophy! From there I just kind of stayed with the medium of screenwriting.

What's your writing process like? How do you go about creating characters and developing a story?

A magician never reveals their secrets! But I think the creative process is more fun than actually putting the story together, if I am being honest.

Can you talk about a recent project you've worked on and the challenges you faced while writing it?

Well, it’s a story I’ve been at since 2017. But I really didn’t find my voice in it until the passing of Kobe Bryant and Biological Father in the same year. And then the following year my Adopted Mother went.


It was a bit challenging to even find the strength and motive to keep writing. But once I came to the realization that they moved on because they knew I was ready, I found it easy to bring this piece to life. Especially after seeing the many lives that it touched and have changed.

What do you think is the most important element of a great screenplay?

Probably dialogue.


This is what moves the story along – a screenplay doesn’t have the luxury of visuals – meaning that the dialogue must carry the story along. Let the reader into the character’s heads, and properly translate the mood.

How do you feel about the current state of the film industry and the role of screenwriters in it?

I think it’s more important now than ever to seek more original work. The current state of reboots, sequels, prequels and “Woke” culture is damaging more than anything.


It’s because of the industries obsession with money that people with the next big idea are being overlooked for the millionth version of Batman.

How do you approach writing for different genres and audiences?

I look to either myself or someone close to me – I reflect on an experience I had with them, or I’ve had as an individual, and try to kind of project myself into the audience.


And from looking at it that way I am able to better nail a genre.

How do you handle feedback and criticism?

It’s a learning opportunity. So, I can take it in strides.

Can you talk about any upcoming projects or collaborations you're excited about?

Well, “Colosseum” is being made into a Short Film. That’s exciting!

How do you see the role of screenwriting evolving in the future?

I honestly don’t really see it changing too much – aside from us being more appreciated for our efforts.

Screenwriting, scripts… That’s the foundation in which a project is built on. It often gets overlooked for Brad Pitt’s dreamy glare. But he would have no idea what to do without a writer that dreamed and wrote that part.

What advice would you give to aspiring screenwriters?

Write it down. Even if doesn’t make sense, or if you don’t know where it’s going – what you’re doing.

Write it down! The rest will come later. Nobody knows your story better than you. Not Steven Spielberg, not your Mom, Aunty, peers… you wrote this. Own it. And don’t you dare let the world take it from you!