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Written by: Listening Raven

Number of Pages: 95 Pages 

Country of Origin: United States


REZ is a satirical comedy featuring four very different modern-day Native Americans and their Euro-American sidekick living in an asphalt jungle. Upon being taken captive in an inner-city dive bar we come to ponder who the real prisoners are in contemporary United States. Not just in body, but spirit.

Writer Biography

Native American Person of Shawnee Blood.

Writer, Historian, Person of The People.

Writer Statement

The time’s come for entertainment in all forms to feature Native Americans as mainstream characters and not just the stereotypes and animated images of our youth featuring teepees and painted faces. Indigenous Persons have lived on this patch of land for over 15,000 years. And our story, our true story, and contemporary sagas are not just important, but fascinating. And we’re pretty darn funny, too. Fifteen Millenia in the same place is bound to make for some funny stuff.

The Acting Tsar

Written by: Peter Armitage

Number of Pages: 105 Pages

Country of Origin: Switzerland


An intrepid Scot joins a resourceful group of British agents plotting to rescue Tsar Nicholas II.

MALUM-PART ONE The Seven Seals

Written by: Joseph Thomas Rivera

Number of Pages: 246 Pages 

Country of Origin: United States


The Book of Revelation is upon us & the world isn’t ready with what comes next


Written by: Troy Bush

Number of Pages: 14 Pages

Country of Origin: United States


Four-year-old Ed thinks it’s bath time until he falls victim to forces beyond his control, including a vicious creature in the walls.

Writer Biography

It’s my dream to entertain.

My screenplays are dialogue-heavy, dark, sometimes mean-spirited, aberrant, and character-driven.

My passion for storytelling spans over two decades and has been shaped by the experiences living in five different countries.

Echo of Drums and...

Written by: Roland William Oliver

Number of Pages: 100 Pages 

Country of Origin: United Kingdom


After the brutal murder of his fellow student friend Tarquin, Glenn a young lawyer working in Fulham travels to Northeast England to investigate why Tarquin died.
While in Tyneside he uncovers a conspiracy which started far away from England in the middle of the 1960s. With a number of deaths prior to Tarquin’s, Glenn find the information that got his friend killed, and in doing so draws the killers onto himself. He and his girlfriend Tracy end up in County Durham where they confront the killers of their friend and solve the decades-long mystery of a number of deaths of British servicemen.


Written by: Tatiana Tierney

Number of Pages: 45 Pages

Country of Origin: Ireland


LADY CLIFFORD, based on the novel A THREAD OF SECRETS, is a complex, well-rounded period drama set against the backdrop and turmoil of Indian Independence and the decline of the British Empire through to the swinging 1960s. This story follows Grace, a young woman who lives in England with her grandmother in a society where women have few rights. Grace’s experiences, including a troubled marriage to a British Army Officer, life in India, forbidden love, the loss of her child at birth, suicidal thoughts, and the discovery of shocking family secrets, transform her from a naïve and vulnerable into a strong-minded, resilient woman.

Writer Biography

I am a writer based in Galway, Ireland and the author of A THREAD OF SECRETS, a romance fiction novel which I started to adapt to a TV Drama Series (approx. 8 episodes). 

My passion for storytelling spans over two decades and has been shaped by the experiences living in five different countries.

Sexy Santas

Written by: Joseph Anthony Francis

Number of Pages: 94 Pages

Country of Origin: United States


When Carol Campbell and Belle Bradford lose their jobs just before the holidays, they launch their “Sexy Santas” business to help others during the busy Christmas season. What begins as an opportunity to pay bills turns into a chance to heal hearts and discover the true meaning of Christmas.

Writer Biography

Growing up in the Chicago area, Joseph fell in love with writing at an early age. He left Chicago for four years to attend the University of Notre Dame where he was awarded the university’s prestigious William Mitchell Award for Playwriting. Upon graduating from Notre Dame, Joseph returned to Chicago where he attended and graduated from the Loyola University Chicago School of Law.

While studying literature, Joseph became a huge fan of Charles Dickens whose novels were originally released in installments, each ending in a cliffhanger to keep readers coming back for more. Because of his love of those novels as well as television dramas such as Dynasty, Knots Landing, Melrose Place, and Revenge, Joseph has created several serialized sagas for contemporary audiences. In addition to developing projects for television, Joseph has also written several films which have recently been optioned for development.


Written by: Barry Siskind

Number of Pages: 117 Pages

Country of Origin: Canada


Ellen McLean, a war journalist accustomed to life in conflict zones, receives devastating news: her father, Cyril McLean, has suffered a massive stroke and is in a coma. Reluctantly, she returns home, where old tensions quickly resurface—her mother, Agnes, is emotionally withdrawn, her brother Don is burdened with responsibility, and her teenage niece Peggy is caught in the crossfire of family secrets.
At Cyril’s bedside, Ellen struggles with unresolved resentment. He was a brilliant but demanding father whose expectations overshadowed his love. Meanwhile, unsettling events begin to unfold. Ellen starts experiencing vivid nightmares, cryptic whispers, and fleeting shadows in Cyril’s study. When she discovers a hidden file marked with her name, containing redacted documents, she realizes her past isn’t what she believed.


Written by: Alexis Krasilovsky

Number of Pages: 118 Pages

Country of Origin: United States


Struggling to become a filmmaker in the early 1970s, a young woman is set adrift by the promise of sexual freedom and equality.

Writer Biography

I was born in Alaska, survived sexual assault at gunpoint, know what it’s like to be completely deaf, traveled to over twenty countries, and have taught screenwriting for over two decades. As writer/producer, my global feature documentaries won five Best Documentary awards and are available through Amazon Video Prime and My narrative short about pre-menstrual rage, “Blood”, was reviewed in the Los Angeles Times as “in its stream-of-consciousness way, more powerful than Martin Scorsese’s ‘Taxi Driver.'”

Writer Statement

My passion is writing adaptations. I was inspired to write this adaptation of my own novel as a way of reaching out to other women in hopes of sharing our stories and healing together in the process. My screenplay, “Floating Lessons,” is based on my novel, “A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Woman,” which my literary agent, Eric Lincoln Miller of 3iBooks, has recently sent out to publishers in New York and on the West Coast. (An earlier version entitled “Sex and the Cyborg Goddess” won the 2018 Irwin Award for Best #MeToo Novel of the Year.) As author of the book “Great Adaptations: Screenwriting and Global Storytelling” (Routledge – 2nd Place Winner, 2019 International Writers Awards), I’ve been excited to apply the Heroine’s Journey to a story loosely based on my own life as one of the first women at Yale.

The Oracle

Written by: Stephen August Barkanic

Number of Pages: 62 Pages

Country of Origin: United States


In 95 A.D., a Greek priest experiencing a spiritual crisis is sent on a perilous mission in which he confronts rival priests and a ruthless assassin to choose the next Oracle of Delphi and save the author of the Book of Revelations.

Writer Biography

Under the pen name Stephen Kimball, Steve Barkanic is the author of three novels published by Penguin, one of which (Death Duty) was optioned for film by Gale Anne Hurd and Paramount Pictures. He has had a career in international development and education, including a stint teaching in Turkey, where he experienced the beauty and mystery of Delphi, Greece, inspiring him to recreate a world in which gods spoke through their oracles.

Writer Statement

Through The Oracle, I seek to bring to life an epoch in which the miraculous takes place every day and in which a philosopher-priest struggling with his faith comes face-to-face with a truly mystical presence.

Victims: A Love Story

Written by: Morris G Fink

Number of Pages: 96 Pages

Country of Origin: United States


Teri, a law student fighting to recover from a brutal sexual assault, falls in love with a classmate, an ex-con who was sexually trafficked in prison, but has forged a new identity. His past, however, catches up with them.